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Benefits of fully automatic cloth drawing machine (spreader) replacing manual work

With the rapid development of industrialization, the garment industry has gradually developed from the traditional manpower intensive to industrialization and automation. The clothing equipment that keeps pace with the times provides a strong benefit guarantee for clothing production. From the introduction from abroad in the early 1990s to the debut of China’s first Shitao cloth puller, and to the recognition and use of batch manufacturers in the industry, it will show that it is not far from replacing labor with cloth pullers.

Then why does the cloth puller (also known as the spreader) necessarily replace the traditional manual work?

As we all know, pulling and cutting play a crucial role in the garment-making process, and only regular pieces can be sewn into clothes that meet people’s pursuits. If the cut pieces are not regular, no matter how good the sewing machine is, and no matter how excellent the sewing workers are, they will never be able to sew clothes with high requirements and high quality. Therefore, the pull cloth is the first important process of garment making, and its quality determines the efficiency and quality of the entire production line. Rab is the foundation as well as the key, which cannot be ignored.

The full-automatic cloth drawing machine system can ensure the fabric is flat and tension-free and has become a good helper for automatic production. However, the traditional manual cloth laying is time-consuming and laborious, and the cloth laying is not flat enough, resulting in a waste of fabric. With the rising cost of raw materials and labor, this waste makes it difficult for every enterprise to bear. The result of cloth laying before cutting directly affects the comfort and quality of the finished garment. If the defective products are found after cutting, they will not be remedied, and similar problems will not occur on the drawing machine.

The tension of fabrics has always been a headache for industry insiders, especially for knitted fabric manufacturers with high elasticity. Expansion and deformation are caused by uncertain factors of manual operation. (Many human resources) To solve this problem, they can only lay the cloth for some time to let it naturally eliminate tension. Occupying the cutting bed; The cloth cannot be cut in time, delaying the production progress; Tension can not be eliminated, poor quality and comfort. The full-automatic cloth drawing machine can realize the tension-free cloth laying operation, easily handle all kinds of fabrics, and achieve the functions of flat and even up and down.

It is believed that we all have a good idea of how many paving workers can complete each day. Taking the STAO cloth puller as an example, it can finish the laying of various fabrics from 21600m to 28800m within 24 hours a day (the quantity that cannot be completed by ordinary cloth pullers).

In a word, there are many advantages of a full-automatic cloth drawing machine. A cloth drawing machine can greatly enhance the strength and brand of the enterprise while improving its product quality and efficiency. At the same time, when customers visit the production situation and production equipment before placing an order, it will give play to the appeal of “one hammer order”!

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